Friday, May 16, 2008

Gearing Up for Next Year's Provisionals!

Last night, Joanna Rosse (the new membership development chair), Abby Favali (the new membership development vice-chair), Stephanie Barsema, Erin Authier, Dodee Nulty, Sarah Miller, Gwin Londrigan, Kelly Borota (the incoming Membership Vice-President, and Stacy Barnett, and of course, Lambdin Freeman graciously donated their time to discuss the provisional program's highlights and to brainstorm ideas for next year.

Kelly introduced the concept of a "buddy" program that will start in September. Every first year active and provisional will get an active "buddy" at the beginning of the year. Their Buddy will welcome them and help them navigate through the League's inter workings. It won't be complicated, we'll just draw names at September's general meeting.

Kelly also is looking for a few good women to help her form and lead social clubs. For instance, you will probably see a Saturday movie club led by Gwin (no pressure Gwin), or a Book Club or a Lunch Bunch or a Game Club or a Running Club. If you are interested in leading a club, I know Kelly would appreciate it.

Other new ideas were to make sure provisionals have name tags, provide a provisional notebook, use the website more for communication, schedule the provisional meetings in a separate week other than General Meetings, use the website to track requirements, communicate with members through new technology (like texting), and to provide mix & mingle opportunities before the General Meeting

Highlights of the provisional program included team building (especially the Ropes Course), the Angel project, Road Rally highlighting our past projects, and the membership development committee members. Last Year's committee received lots of kind words...

So, Membership Development Committee, thank you again for a wonderful job, especially Lambdin and Joanna!!!!

Please feel free to give Kelly, Joanna, Abby or myself your perspective or just click on comments and enter it here.

One more thing, it is never to early to start thinking about WHO you will ask to be a part of our great organization. Our most successful recruiting efforts are by us asking someone we know at work, school, neighborhood, etc. to join.

Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin's future needs "all hands on deck" to recruit next year's class!!!

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